Sunday 26 June 2011

Modern Day Eton Mess "Take Two"

I've put together detailed instructions for how to create your own Modern Day Eton Mess. Below is the recipe.

Strawberry Custard Jelly
-6 egg yolks
-120g caster sugar
-500mls homemade strawberry coulis (no sugar)
-6 Sheets gelatine (soaked in cold water)

1. Put everything in the thermomix and blend on number 6 until 80c is reached
2. Add gelatine and continue to blend for a further 3 minutes.
3. Pass through a fine strainer onto a Cling filmed tray, pull Clingfilm back until 1cm thickness is achieved.
4. Set in fridge for 4 hours and then cut into 1cm cubes, place back in fridge until ready to use

-150g egg whites (room temperature)
-280g caster sugar

1. Whip meringue on medium speed until soft peak is achieved, slowly add the sugar in a steady stream until all incorporated and stiff peak is achieved.
2. Spread thinly on silicon paper and try out in an oven with the pilot on overnight or alternatively in your hot plate set at the lowest setting.
3. Once dry break into shards and store in an airtight container.

Strawberry fluid gel
-600mls fresh Strawberry juice
-150g caster sugar
-6g gellan gum

1. Rub gellan through sugar
2. Mix strawberry juice with sugar
3. Bring to the boil slowly
4. Pass through chinoise
5. Chill in a suitable container for approx 30 minutes
6. Once set blend on medium speed for approx 10 minutes until smooth and pass through fine chinoise
7. Put mixture in a squeezy bottle until required 

Strawberry leather
-100g strawberry puree
-80g icing sugar
-½ tea spoon of crispfilm

1. Blend all ingredients and pass through a fine chinoise onto a silicon matt, either dry out under hot lights or in a dehydrator.
2. Cut into triangles whilst still warm and store in-between greaseproof in an airtight container.

-11 leaves of gelatine
-245g cold water
-450g granulated sugar
-375g glucose
-125g water
-½ teaspoon salt
-3 vanilla pods
-caster sugar for dredging

1. Soak gelatine in 245g cold water and melt in same water pour in to mixing bowl and start whisking
2. Combine sugar, glucose and 125 g water and boil hard for 1 and a half minutes
3. Pour boiling syrup onto gelatine mix and whisk for exactly 12 minutes
4. Scrape into tray lined with Clingfilm (oil tray before putting in Clingfilm) and press fresh cling film into it to flatten it out
5. Leave to set in fridge for 4 hours and cut up, dredge in caster sugar and then eat as they are or toast

Crème Chantilly
-400mls double cream
-Seeds from 1 vanilla pod
-60g icing sugar

1. Whip all ingredients together until soft peak.
2. Store in airtight container until required

-20 strawberries’
-Frozen raspberry cells (freeze raspberry and then break up, store in freezer until ready to use)
-1 packet of micro red basil

To build the dish
1. Gather together all your prepared items and 4 cold plates
2. Wash and Cut ½ of the total strawberries in half leaving the other half as they are
3. Scatter the strawberries’ evenly between all the plates,
4. Place 4 cubes of the custard jelly onto each plate and dot the fluid gel around the jelly and strawberries
5. Cut marshmallow into 1cm by 3 cm and dredge in caster sugar, using a blowtorch lightly toast the top of each marshmallow.
6. Quenelle 3 tea spoons of crème Chantilly onto each plate
7. Scatter the meringue and frozen raspberry cells around the plate.
8. Top off with baby basil and strawberry leather  

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